This is
the artwork which I select to talk about in my final paper. Of course, it is
illustrated by my chosen artist – MARUMIYAN.
I would like to talk about the meaning behind. This artwork is titled as
MONGREL which a negative word describes a mixture that is or appears to be
incongruous. From facial appearance of the women, we can see that she disdains
to do something but with sorrowful expression in her eyes. Perhaps this is what
the artist wants to bring out – the ironic feelings of mongrels. Although they have
heard many unpleasant words, they pretend that they are proud of themselves –
just like the leopard on her head.
MARUMIYAN draws a series of this kind of artwork – a woman wearing a hat full
of plants and animals. Another example is called AFFECTATION which is also a
negative word. From my point of view, what he wants to express from this
artwork or this series is the phenomena appeared in the Japanese society. No
matter what MONGREL represents the mixture of different breed or social levels,
people will use special judgment to see them.
I would like to discuss the painting style or design of this artwork. I have
mentioned before that MARUMIYAN always likes to add lots of flowers, birds,
butterflies, wings and other natural elements. Moreover, his world is brightly
coloured. Actually, his artwork has somehow related to surrealism since animals
will not turn into a hat wearing on a woman’s head. I notice this point because
I discover his idea is similar to a British artist called Josephine Wall who like to draw surrealsim paintings. That I will further talk
about in my final paper.